I wanted to remind you this week that you are enough, you have achieved enough, you have loved enough, you have contributed enough, you are enough.
I don't know about you but I am sometimes pretty hard on myself. I'm always looking at what I could have done, how I could have done better and comparing myself with people who seem to be doing better in life than I am.
"How do they have time to do that?" I ask, "How do they fit that in on top of all the other things they have to do? How can they make that work?"
And if I'm feeling weary and tired I question myself and tell myself to keep going no matter how I'm feeling.
"Why are you tired? There's no reason for you to be tired, you're just going to have to keep going," that perfectionist voice inside me says.
And I know that this way of thinking is the building block to anxiety and conflicted feelings and yet, even after all these years of meditating I find myself listening to this un-constructive voice and giving it more power than it deserves.
Last week I had a very long "To Do" list and yet I felt really tired and it was taking me longer than it should have to complete easy tasks.
I decided to go rogue and take myself down to the beach for some much needed quiet time. I made my way to the sand dunes and climbed to the top and lay there in the spring sunshine, listening to my breath.
At first, I was berating myself for all the things that I should have been doing but slowly the breathing started to slow my mind down a little and I was able to hear the waves and feel the gentle wind on my skin and watch the birds as they circled in the blue sky above me.
After about twenty minutes I felt calmer and more in tune with the natural world around me. I felt that nature herself was recalibrating my thinking into a calmer and more receptive state. From here I was able to see my life from a different perspective. I was able to see (and feel) the many blessings of my life, and this gratitude grew as I lay in the sand dunes doing absolutely nothing.
In the past, I may not have allowed myself to do such a frivolous thing in the middle of a workday, but I knew from past experience that this time I took, would be more valuable than any other more immediately constructive work I could do.
This week, my wish for you (and for myself) is that we take the time we need to feel balanced and peaceful. That we give ourselves the rest and replenishment we need, free of the guilt that sometimes stalks our most precious moments.
Take an inventory of all you have done for others this week (your family, your work colleagues, your friends, your pets) and also consider all the ways you have made the world a better place.
You are more precious and worthy than you think. You are doing more than you give yourself credit for. You are spreading love and kindness in the world. You deserve to take some time to rest your body and mind.
You are enough.
Can we please rest in this knowledge for even a short time this week?
Beloved is a comforting book that emerged from the time I took in nature to heal from deep grief. It is a helpful resource for those who have lost a loved one, or who are struggling through hard times.
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